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COVID-19 & Cannabis/Hemp Webinar

COVID-19 & Cannabis/Hemp Webinar

Date: Thursday, April 23rd Time: 12pm/Noon PST

AgHS Chief Legislative Strategist and Oregon Industrial Hemp Farmers Association President, Courtney N. Moran, LL.M. is proud to join Jesse Bontecou (Oregon Retailers of Cannabis Association), Todd Key (Green Light Law Group) and host Sophia Blanton (Caputo Group) in the Covid-19 & Cannabis/Hemp Webinar.

The webinar will include updates on the CARES Act and a discussion about the unique challenges faced by the cannabis and hemp industries during the Covid-19 crisis.

Please join us on April 23rd at 12pm/Noon PST for this free event.


1)  Discussion of unique challengesfaced by both cannabis & hemp vis-a-vis the CARES Act.

  1. Cannabis being an “essential” industry, yet not being able to access the programs

  2. Hemp’s banking hurdles

2) Advocacy and lobbying goals and tactics. 3) Cannabis’s contribution to society and the economy during the crisis. 4) Hemp and the future!

“It’s an unprecedented time for the U.S. economy as the containment measures for Coronavirus (COVID-19) impact small businesses and the Cannabis Industry. With federal and local governments primarily focused on the cash-flow pressures faced by individuals and families, this is a great opportunity to get the latest information about changes that directly impact the health and security of cannabis & hemp businesses. Join us on Thursday, April 23 as we discuss the cannabis industry.” Caputo Group

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(202) 656-7023
Agricultural Hemp Solutions, LLC 
3439 NE Sandy Blvd. #672
Portland, Oregon 97232
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