Lancaster Farming Industrial Hemp Podcast, a premiere hemp farming podcast that interviews hemp farmers, producers, and experts to deliver updates on the hemp industry, hosted Ag Hemp Solutions' Chief Legislative Strategist Courtney N. Moran, LL.M. to discuss her lobbying on Capitol Hill for the Industrial Hemp Act. Moran also discusses the likelihood of seeing a Farm Bill this year and what it could mean for the hemp industry if the DEA follows a recent recommendation from the Department of Health and Human Services to reschedule marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule III under the Controlled Substances Act.
“Something that I experienced back in 2016 that we're still dealing with today in 2023 is that some offices still don't know [hemp] was even an issue,” she said.
Many lawmakers don’t know “there's still barriers to getting these products to market or there are still problems or issues for the farmers,” she said.
This is the second time the Lancaster Farming Industrial Hemp Podcast has featured Moran, having previously hosted her to discuss her efforts in lobbying for a 1% THC definition of hemp.
Listen to the podcast on the Industrial Hemp Act here:
You can also check out Courtney's previous podcast feature on 1% THC here: